Chris Mukon
6 min readSep 23, 2020
Come for the hedgehog, stay for the freedom.

On today, National Voter Registration Day, do something a little different. Register as a Libertarian. Why not? There’s no harm in it, and you can help save the future of the Republic.

Ok, so that’s a little bit dramatic, but it’s not untrue. Registering doesn’t mean you have to vote Libertarian every single time, though that’s fine too. There’s nothing good about the two party system, why align yourself with them? After all, it gave us Joe Biden and Donald Trump as the the only two people to vote for. We MUST be able to do better than that as a nation. Probably not this time around, but maybe next time.

Let’s face it, democracy is dying in America. Whether it’s the fast-growing authoritarianism of the right or the government onslaught from everything leftwards, our liberty is being stifled. Our opportunities are disappearing. Our freedoms are getting trampled more and more each day. The longer the two-party system proliferates, the more this country spirals out of control. The Democrats and the Republicans have failed us, it’s time to admit it.

There’s an answer for that. The LP.

If your only knowledge of the Libertarian Party is that we’re all a bunch of disaffected weirdos, well, you’re mostly right. That Libertarian guy you know from work? You know, he’s kind of an ass, goes on and on about BitCoin, keeps telling you that taxation is theft, and is always insufferable? He’s our biggest problem right now. While he’s not wrong about taxation, we have some really…special…people in our ranks — most of them pretty extreme in their ideology. Chill out CHARLES, less government doesn’t have to mean NO government. Myself, I’m a moderate libertarian. We’re a rare breed in the party, too rare. We need to moderate so we can grow past the Charles’ of the world.

Honestly, all we really want is to be left alone. Is that so bad? At the end of the day, isn’t that what everyone wants — to be allowed the freedom to live, work, prosper, love, and die on our own terms? At its core, that’s what the party is about — more freedom and liberty across the board. So why not give it a try? The party can’t grow and go mainstream without more people like you, dear reader. You’re brilliant, you’re well-adjusted, you think for yourself, and damn, you’re really good-looking. You’re just what the Libertarian Party needs. The best part is, you may be Libertarian already and just not know it.

So what do we stand for?

  • Fiscal responsibility, not just fewer Taxes. But definitely fewer taxes. Taxation is theft — if you don’t pay, the government will eventually come to your house with a gun and force you to. Smaller government. You know how to run your life better than some bureaucrat. The money you earn is better and safer going to you. This means cutting government spending by a lot too. No deficits and no new debt to crush the next generations.
  • No new wars. No old wars. No wars not specifically authorized by Congress. No wars that aren’t explicitly for our own national defense. No bombing other countries for the fun of it. No military patrols of trade routes. No bases around the world. No troops constantly overseas. No world police. This does not mean we can’t have a strong military, just that we need to use it wisely.
  • No qualified immunity for killer cops. If they murder someone, they go to prison like the rest of us. No criminal penalties for non-violent drug offenses. Mostly no drug offenses at all, as part of total criminal justice reform. Fully legalize marijuana (and some others). As long as you’re not hurting someone else, you get to choose what you do with your body.
  • Free market health care. Price transparency, competition, insurance only for unexpected treatment (like most other countries). Costs go way down, quality can stay high.
  • Everyone is welcome and respected for who they are. Liberty means not discriminating. Liberty means equal justice and protection under the law. Liberty means we welcome all genders, races, religions, orientations — and protect each other from those who would do them harm.
  • Climate change is real, but you don’t need a government takeover to do something about it. Eliminate regulations preventing us from replacing coal and oil power plants, allow us to build nuclear plants and other alternative energies. Incentive innovation and transition rather than overspend and over-regulate.
  • Free trade. No tariffs or trade barriers with other countries.
  • Open immigration. It should be easier, not harder, to come to America and work. To contribute. It is the best way to eliminate illegal immigration and weed out the real threats. Opening the immigration system to legal workers boosts the melting pot of cultures that has always made America great. No demonization of immigrants.

That’s just a taste, but not so bad, eh? Think of it this way: on fiscal issues, we want to unleash the full force of economy and innovation, free from government (over)regulation. On social issues, we want everyone to get along with everyone else. You do you. More government is less freedom. More oppression is less freedom. You are the person who can best control your life.

So what does that mean in the real world? In the current political climate? It means it will never happen if you don’t make it happen. Donate, participate, vote for all of your local Libertarians, spread the word. The party has made tremendous strides in the past few cycles, including hard-fought ballot access across the country. The foundations are strong, we just need people to pull that trigger and join the cause. People like you, dear reader. Remind yourselves how Democrats and Republicans continue to fail everyone. Spread the word that peace and freedom are what make life worth living. It’s the easiest pitch there is. So today, maybe just remember to register as a Libertarian. It helps the party to see its numbers swell, even if you vote for someone else. Open your eyes to the possibility that the duopoly that is killing our political system can eventually be beaten.

What about this presidential election? Let me introduce you to Dr. Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian’s 2020 nominee for president. She’s a college professor, former Vice-Presidential nominee for the LP, she has a PhD, and she will be on the ballot in all 50 states (and DC). She’s smart, likable, competent, sane, principled, full of energy, and also a little boring. Isn’t that exactly the kind of person America needs?

She’s with us.

But before you go voting for her in THIS election, know this: as things are now, she’s not going to win. She’s just not. This is not an ordinary election about political ideology. If it were, she’d have my vote in an instant. This is about saving the country from Donald Trump, who is a uniquely unfit president and a real danger to the nation itself. If you read my articles, you know I’m not shy about that. Nothing would make me happier than seeing Dr. Jorgensen become president, but I’ll say this: if there is any universe where you could vote for Biden, vote for Biden. If there is no way you can ever do that, then vote for Jo. If you live in a state where the presidential outcome is an absolute certainty (CA, NY, MS, AR, etc.) then vote for Jo.

The reality of the terrible political system is that third parties are intentionally excluded. They’re kept from being able to make a difference by the two parties in power. In order for Jo to even be in a debate, she needs 15% support in major polling, assuming they don’t change the rules again to keep her out. So nobody will hear her message (or the LP nominee next time around) to have a chance at 15%. Get involved to change that. There are other things you can do for the LP besides voting for Jo. And hey, maybe she blows up, goes viral, and gets that 15%. Maybe people love her at the debate and she begins to garner real, competitive support. Then you can vote for her, if come November she has an actual chance of winning. Otherwise, the only person who can beat Trump is the only person to vote for this time around.

That said, if you’re in the category where you’re allowed to vote for her, don’t think that vote is wasted. The more votes she gets, the more viable people see the LP in the future. If she gets 5% of the popular vote, the LP can get automatic ballot access next time. Small steps, but important to remaking a broken system.

So on this National Voter Registration day, do one good thing and register as a Libertarian.



Chris Mukon

Father, Husband, Attorney. I call myself a moderate Libertarian. I might be the only one.