Chris MukonRepealing Godwin’s LawGodwin’s Law is an axiom of the internet age. It posits that the longer an online discussion continues, the more likely it becomes that…6d ago6d ago
Chris MukonAmerica on the BrinkThe 2022 midterm election is tomorrow. It is the most important election of our lifetime so far, just like the last one and the one before…Nov 7, 2022Nov 7, 2022
Chris MukonDEATH OF THE GOPThe Republican party is in its death throes. It’s gasping for air while it sinks deeper and deeper into the swamp, grasping only to a…Oct 15, 2020Oct 15, 2020
Chris MukonMY GRANDFATHER’S CONSERVATISMWhen my grandfather was a child, he was among some of the last people to escape Germany to America before Hitler closed down the country…Oct 7, 2020Oct 7, 2020
Chris MukonTHE RECKONINGTrump has contracted COVID. According to some reports his symptoms have been concerning, including being short of breath and having his…Oct 6, 20201Oct 6, 20201
Chris MukonYOU’RE FIRED!The fires are raging in the Western United States. Right now, 5 of California’s 10 largest fires in modern history are all burning at once…Oct 2, 2020Oct 2, 2020
Chris MukonUNIVERSAL BASIC FREEDOMUniversal Basic Income (“UBI”). The signature policy proposal of everyone’s favorite nerdy goofball, Andrew Yang. He made a splash in this…Oct 2, 2020Oct 2, 2020
Chris MukonAMERICAN CATERWAULThere are some days I wish I weren’t so interested in politics. There are some days I yearn for ignorance of our national state of affairs…Sep 30, 2020Sep 30, 2020